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Full Frontal Page 14

  “I didn’t want our official status-of-the-relationship talk to go like that,” he said. “We should have discussed it more. We should’ve…”

  Owen cut him off with another kiss. “It went perfectly, Cooper. I know everything I need to know. I want to be with you, and I don’t care who knows it. And if things don’t end up working out with you, I’ll never lie about you or try to turn our friends against you.”

  His boyfriend nodded. “I know you’re nothing like my ex. That stuff I told you about him… that wasn’t even everything. He really broke my trust.”

  “What did that bastard do?”

  “I don’t want to think about it right now,” Cooper said. “But Xavier had a video of me – a pretty personal, intimate video that I took for his eyes only. He leaked it online for the whole world to see.”

  “A video of you?” Owen asked, his breath suddenly cut short. “Of you doing what?”

  “I was masturbating,” Cooper said flatly. “I hated him for doing that to me. People I know could have seen that.”

  Before Owen could question whether he should say it, the words were out. “Cooper, I saw that video. I didn’t realize it was you. That video opened my eyes. It’s what made me accept that I was into you. What made me accept that I was into guys at all!”

  Cooper gaped at him. “You saw it? I’m so embarrassed.”

  He went to rub his forehead, but Owen took his hand away and grasped it tightly. “That bastard did something unforgivable, yet something good came out of it. Just imagine if he knew that leaking that video would help us to get together.”

  They embraced for another long moment. “I already knew you wouldn’t be like him if this doesn’t work out,” Cooper said. “But I can’t see this not working out. This… this feels right.”

  It was almost 9:45 by the time they joined the rest of the strippers who were out and circulating around the club. Owen missed Cooper’s touch as he walked over to the side stage. He was going to have to enjoy looking at his man tonight since Trenton wouldn’t let it happen again.

  He climbed up and began his dance. Stripping completely naked still felt strange to him, but he was getting used to it. He could do this, especially when he had such amazing eye candy to look at. He began to shuffle his feet, knowing that most of the attention would go to Elijah at the front of the room. Most girls in the audience wouldn’t be looking at him or Cooper.

  He kept it simple with a small two-step. He tried to keep his eyes on the audience, but whoever had made this stage hadn’t planned it for dancing across from your new boyfriend. Owen allowed himself a brief peek at Cooper.

  To his pleasure, his lover was looking back. He kept dancing, trying to hide the smile that grew on his face. Cooper was thinking about him just as much as he was. He glanced back at Cooper, and this time, Cooper winked.

  Owen’s cheeks flushed. Surely someone else would have seen that. As he looked around, he didn’t see anyone who seemed to disapprove. Maybe the wink had gone unnoticed. Trenton was nowhere to be seen. That gave him the confidence to wink back at Cooper.

  Being here, doing what he loved, just a few yards away from the man that he was dating, and Owen was as happy as could be. He still had a lot to get through, like coming out to his family and the rest of his friends… but right now, all of that seemed moot.

  He kept his eyes off Cooper for a minute, which was far too long. When he looked back over at him, he soaked in the sight of his boyfriend. He knew it was cheesy, but he held up his hands in the shape of a heart when no one was looking. The risk was enough to make him nervous, and he glanced around. No one had seen.

  When he looked back at Cooper, he almost expected him to be angry. A week ago, he would have been annoyed that Owen wasn’t putting the customers first. They were supposed to be seducing the customers, not each other – wasn’t that what Cooper had said before? But this time, Cooper just smiled back and made the same shape with his own hands.

  Owen was perfectly happy. He had everything that he wanted, and he was confident about what the future would hold for him.

  Even if it had taken him some time to figure things out, it seemed that nothing could go wrong from now on. His friend had become his boyfriend. And he was falling hard for Cooper.

  There was only one thing missing.

  That thing was already on Owen’s mind as he and Cooper got out of their cars. He was on Cooper before they even got to the door. They stumbled over the driveway, unable to keep their hands off each other. As soon as they were inside Cooper’s apartment, Cooper was pulling off his clothes.

  Owen responded in kind, hungry for Cooper’s touch. If Cooper wanted him to top again, he could do that. He just hoped for something different tonight. Something he had been too scared to try before.

  “Do you want to take this to the bedroom?” Cooper asked.

  “Of course I do. Can’t you tell?” Owen pressed his erection against Cooper.

  Cooper gave a soft, throaty laugh. “Good point.” He grabbed at him, filling his hands with Owen’s ass.

  Grinding his hips against Cooper, Owen felt heat rise within him. He was going to be too nervous to even suggest this. No! He wanted it, and he was going to do it.

  Cooper let his hand rest on Owen’s ass as they took the few steps to his room. That was enough of a segue for Owen.

  Looking down at the hand, he spoke as casually as if it were an afterthought. “You know… I still haven’t bottomed for you.”

  There, it was out. Owen bit his lip, waiting for Cooper’s reply as they went through to his room. The thought still terrified Owen, but if Cooper said no, he might actually be disappointed. Since he’d started thinking about it, he’d been getting into the idea.

  “You don’t have to,” Cooper said. “It can be a bit difficult. We don’t have to rush into that.”

  Owen’s pride was being challenged. Cooper didn’t think he would be good at taking it. “I bet you I’m just as good at bottoming as I am at topping.”

  “Is that right?” Cooper asked, lifting an eyebrow. “You seem pretty confident for someone who’s never done it.”

  “You seem pretty sure that I won’t be good at it,” Owen said, slightly hurt.

  “Well, there’s only one way to find out.” Cooper pulled him onto the bed, putting both hands on his ass. Owen shuddered, even more turned on. They were both out of their clothes in moments. Now Owen had to live up to what he’d promised.

  “Feel free to throw me around like you did the first time,” Owen said, breathless.

  “Not a chance. I’m going to take care of you. Going to warm you up really good…”

  As promised, Cooper’s hands were gentle as they pried his legs apart and probed between them. This wasn’t good or bad yet, just strange. Nothing had ever gone in there before. But as Owen forced himself to relax, he found it began to feel okay.

  “Let me get some lube,” Cooper said.

  It felt even better after that. Still, Owen tensed up as Cooper probed deeper into him. If he could barely take a finger, how was he going to take an entire dick? There was no way this was going to work. Then Cooper did something with his finger, curled it or some shit like that – and Owen nearly came again right then and there. “Holy fuck!” he burst out.

  “Never played with your prostate before? You’re going to have fun with that.”

  Owen gaped at him, unable to believe how calm he was about this. The world had just exploded for Owen, and it felt like things would never be the same again. His prostate? He had heard of it, but never felt the need to go exploring it. He had never had any interest in any goings-on back there. Maybe he should have.

  He felt looser somehow as Cooper continued to play with his hole. He closed his eyes, sinking back into the mattress and pushing his hips against Cooper’s hand. He wanted to take that finger deeper, but it was already in up to the knuckle. “What if we tried another finger?”

  “I think that would be a good idea.”

Owen tightened against the new intrusion, but after a moment he was able to take it better. Maybe he actually would be able to take Cooper’s dick. If there was more time, he would have liked to do this slowly, play with adding an extra finger every day. With Cooper challenging him, he wanted to get this happening as soon as possible.

  He squirmed, his body aching for more than it might be able to handle. “Maybe more lube?”

  “Good idea.” Cooper tipped the bottle over, and then Owen relaxed into the new sensation. This was a lot better. Every time it started to get tight or sore, lube made it all better.

  When Cooper had three fingers in, Owen was sure he could take his dick. When he panted out his idea, Cooper only slowed down. “I’m going to get four fingers in before I fuck you,” he said. It was as if he enjoyed torturing Owen.

  Owen was hard and aching for more, but he agreed. They didn’t have anywhere else to be. They could spend all night getting him ready for anal if they needed to.

  Yet when Cooper had four fingers in, he still didn’t seem ready to fuck Owen. “Give me the real thing,” Owen begged. He was more than ready – mentally, if not physically.

  “Not yet,” Cooper said. “I’m going to open you up a little more. I want you to be completely prepared, so that this will only feel good for you. It isn’t always easy to take it for the first time.”

  He slid his hand in and out of Owen’s hole, which only got Owen crazier. “I know it’s not, but I’m ready.”

  He twisted his hand, sliding it against Owen’s prostate again. That made him gasp and seem to forget about wanting more. For a second, Owen just seized up and shuddered.

  “See?” Cooper said. “I knew you would enjoy this.”

  Owen lifted his hips, hoping it would encourage his lover to take him sooner. “I’m going to enjoy your dick a lot more.”

  He paused again to consider the ridiculousness of the situation. A week ago, he couldn’t have seen himself having sex with any man. Now he was begging for dick. And not just any dick, but his friend Cooper’s. Somehow it didn’t even feel strange. Being here, doing this, felt as natural as breathing.

  And to Owen’s shock, Cooper finally seemed willing to give him what he wanted. He moved up onto the bed. Owen clenched up, suddenly worried again that he really wouldn’t be able to take it all. It was so big, much bigger than a few little fingers. There was no way. It just couldn’t happen.

  He looked down at Cooper’s hand, reminding himself that Cooper’s fingers weren’t exactly small. He could hardly believe he had taken four of them, actually. Maybe this was going to work. He had managed to fuck Cooper, so this should be similar. Besides, they were going to do it eventually. He might as well at least try.

  Cooper had gotten a condom on and lubed up in the time it had taken Owen to think through that. “Are you ready?”

  Owen didn’t hesitate before saying “Yes.”

  Cooper nodded slightly, looking him in the eye as if to check one more time that this was okay. He must not have seen anything there to make him doubt that Owen wanted this.

  Lying on his back, Owen moved his legs up. He reached up for Cooper, wanting to feel the comfort of his lover’s strong body as he went through this. As it turned out, he had no need for comfort. Cooper slid in as easily as Owen had done to him.

  Owen’s fingers tightened, then went limp. His eyes rolled back in his head. He couldn’t believe how good this felt. After the way Cooper had lovingly gotten him ready, there was no pain. There was only sheer, ecstatic pleasure.

  “How is it?” Cooper asked, his voice tight. “Do you need more lube?”

  “No,” Owen breathed. “Don’t take your dick out of me for one fucking second.”

  He looked at Cooper’s perfect face and his hard body. He looked down at the place where their bodies joined. He still couldn’t believe that Cooper fit in there, but looking at it made him even harder. His cock was harder than he could ever remember it being. It throbbed, pulsed, with his arousal. Cooper just turned him on that much.

  They moved together slowly, and Owen gasped with each slight movement. He didn’t know anymore if Cooper was brushing his prostate or if this was just how good it felt to have a man’s cock inside him. He had lost himself in a haze of unbelievable pleasure.

  Cooper looked so fucking perfect. Owen was working on instinct when he brought his lips up to him. He kissed him with all the passion that he held in his heart. He grabbed at his shoulders, his arms… He wasn’t thinking anymore, just doing. He needed to touch, hold, and taste every inch of his lover.

  When their lips parted, Cooper looked down at him. “Are you going to be okay if I go a little faster?”

  Owen nodded despite his doubts. One day, he would tell Cooper to throw him around during the act itself. He knew Cooper had it in him. For now, a little faster would have to do. “I think I can take it.”

  Cooper’s hips undulated as he picked up the pace. He thrust into Owen a little less gently than he had been. Owen writhed under him, wishing Cooper would fuck him hard. He wanted that big cock to slam into him, to pound him and own him. But that was going to have to wait for another day, because he’d had about as much as he could handle. By the looks of it, so had Cooper.

  Cooper leaned over him, his sweat dripping onto Owen’s chest. “I’m going to come,” he groaned into his ear.

  Owen grabbed his cock, jerking it hard. The sensation was too much for him. “Me, too.”

  The two of them came seconds apart. Owen nearly saw stars when his body reached its peak. He panted for breath, his body collapsing limply into the mattress. They lay together in a sweaty heap for what felt like hours, not talking, just touching each other and breathing together. There was no need for words right now. Owen was sure they both knew the magnitude of what had just happened between them.

  Owen had bottomed, and he had fucking loved it.

  He was definitely, certifiably, one hundred percent gay.


  Cooper hesitated before getting out of the car. The manicured driveway ahead of him looked more like a minefield. They had driven over an hour to get here, but he was perfectly willing to turn around and go back home. This was going to be difficult for his boyfriend of a month.

  “We don’t have to do this, you know,” he said, reaching over to stroke Owen’s hand.

  “You don’t have to take care of me. I know what I’m doing.”

  “I’m just saying, Owen. We don’t know how this is going to go. If you want to introduce me as a friend, that’s fine. Or if you want me to wait in the car while you have dinner with them…”

  Owen sighed. “I see where you’re coming from, but I’m going to have to do this. My sexuality isn’t going to change. And I have this feeling that you’re going to be my boyfriend for a while.”

  Trying to relax the tension in his shoulders, Cooper could see the truth in Owen’s words. He planned on being with him for a very long time. Even if it was too early to tell Owen, he only intended to quit being his boyfriend when he became his husband.

  “It’s up to you,” he said. “I know I told you I wanted you to come out, but you’ve already come out to so many people. I never wanted to pressure you to do anything you’re not ready for.”

  Owen put his hand on the door handle. “If I don’t do it now, I’ll just have to do it some other time.”

  That was enough for Cooper to get out of the car. Still, his heart beat faster as they approached the stained wood door. If he was nervous, he could only imagine how Owen must be feeling. He gave his hand a squeeze as footsteps sounded inside the house.

  By the time the door opened, both of Cooper’s hands were on the bottle of wine he had brought. He stared inside, quickly picking up how Owen’s mother looked nothing like him. Instead, he was nearly a carbon copy of his dad.

  “Owen, dear,” Mrs. Eldridge said, giving him a peck on each cheek. “You’re home early.”

  “Yes, there wasn’t much traffic. It’s good to see
you, Mother.”

  “And this must be the friend that you mentioned,” Mr. Eldridge said.

  Cooper reached out to shake his hand. “Cooper.”

  “Welcome. Your nana is here, too, Owen. Come on inside.”

  His grandmother? Cooper was keenly aware of the way Owen tensed up. Her presence would just add a new layer to this already-difficult conversation. He gave Owen’s hand a squeeze as his parents walked ahead of them. Hopefully Owen would understand that he was saying the same thing. Owen didn’t have to do this if he wasn’t ready.

  In a house the size of this one, it took a minute to get through to the living room. Owen’s parents made light conversation as they walked.

  Cooper laid on the charm as he introduced himself to Owen’s grandmother. It seemed to work on the older woman. “What a nice young man,” she commented.

  Owen sat on the couch, and Cooper went for the armchair. The family made an effort to welcome him as they caught up with Owen. But he knew the friendly atmosphere might not last long.

  “So, how do you two know each other?” Mrs. Eldridge asked.

  “We met at work,” Cooper said, careful not to reveal anything in case Owen had changed his mind.

  “Well, it’s nice to see that Owen has made such a good friend.”

  From Cooper’s left, Owen cleared his throat. “I wanted to talk to you about that, actually.”

  The others were silent – the family with curiosity, Cooper with fear. He would be fine either way, but if this didn’t go well, he would have to comfort Owen. And there was no way for him to predict the family’s reaction to the announcement.

  Owen hesitated for so long that Cooper thought he might chicken out. Beads of sweat appeared on his forehead, and when he reached up to wipe them off, his hand was shaky. Cooper longed to lean over and place his hand on his knee.

  “About what?” Mrs. Eldridge asked.

  If only Cooper could say it for him. Take the burden off his shoulders. Make it easier in some way. But this was something that only Owen could do. Cooper had helped him in every possible way, and now he needed to let him do it for himself.