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  The guy was fully dressed in jeans and a polo shirt. Owen let his eyes drift down his body, wondering if he was going to take off his clothes. Either way, Owen knew Cooper’s body well enough to fill in the blanks. The hard muscles, the rose tattoo… Not that he needed to picture the guy’s body. All he needed to see was his cock, because he was just trying to pick up tips. Right?

  Owen was still reassuring himself as Cooper’s lookalike sat down on a bed. With only white walls behind him, there was nothing to distract Owen’s attention from the way he unzipped his pants. In truth, the movements were hypnotizing enough that nothing could have made him look away.

  The guy looked impossibly like Cooper. If he just threw on some shirt cuffs, he’d be his exact image. Owen could almost imagine that it was his tattooed coworker sitting there stroking his cock. He wondered how often Cooper did it, and what he fantasized about when he did.

  “I wish you were here, babe,” the porn star said. His voice was a little tight. “I know I just saw you, but I can’t wait to see you again tonight.”

  Owen wondered if the guy in the video was talking to a guy or a girl. He could see it being either one. This video was good enough to transcend gender and sexuality. Anyone at all would have been turned on by this. Like he was.

  The guy arched his back, and his speed began to pick up. He did hold his dick slightly different than Owen. His fingers wrapped all the way around the shaft close to the base, while Owen held his closer to the tip. Owen tried to imitate the guy’s motions. Fuck, why was this such a turn-on?

  “Last night was so amazing,” Cooper’s lookalike breathed. “I’m thinking about you now.”

  He was squeezing his cock so tightly that his fingers and knuckles were going white. His speed increased beyond what Owen would normally have been doing at this point, but since he was following him, he went along with it. He was turned on enough to keep up.

  Owen jerked himself violently, watching as the guy’s face contorted and his head rolled back. He could hear the guy’s breathing, which was becoming more and more ragged. He bit down hard on his lip, realizing that his own breathing was as ragged as the porn star’s.

  He pushed back his chair, giving himself space to spread his legs wider. He wished someone else was touching him right now. Would he let the guy in the video do this to him? It wouldn’t really be gay. A guy could give himself a hand job, so it was just like doing it to yourself. The guy was hot, and he could say that as a straight guy. He was secure enough to appreciate another man’s looks.

  He jerked himself more frantically, his eyes glued to the screen. “Fuck, babe. You’re going to make me come.” The porn star leaned into the camera for a minute, looking straight at Owen as if he could actually see him. Owen held his gaze for a long moment.

  Owen looked him up and down greedily, wanting to be above him or even to be pinned under him. He kind of wished the guy was wearing less clothing. It felt almost like the guy was here in the room with him.

  This was such a turn-on that Owen kind of wanted to try it in real life. It wouldn’t be gay to jack off with another guy. They’d just look at each other, do the same thing at the same time. Maybe they’d make some suggestions on how the other could get more pleasure. Yeah, Owen would enjoy that.

  Maybe he’d even do more. If this guy in the video ever wanted him, Owen might just let him do whatever he wanted. One experiment might be okay. Straight guys tried new things sometimes. Too bad they’d never meet. The guy was so fucking sexy, and he looked so much like Cooper.

  Owen was building toward something, his balls tightening and his legs beginning to shake. His eyes went from the guy’s face to his cock, then back. He liked both sights too much to stick with one.

  All plans of learning new tricks from the video were gone from his mind. He was on edge, tilting back in the chair until it felt like he might topple over. He found himself holding his breath, unable to control himself enough to breathe properly. His body thirsted for this release.

  And it came, crushing over him with a powerful force. He grabbed tissue after tissue, still coming for longer than he thought possible as he looked at the screen. The guy on there was still touching himself, and since they were so in sync, he started to come right as Owen was finishing. “Oh, fuck, babe…”

  That sight gave Owen a few more tremors of climax. He shuddered, grabbing yet another tissue. The guy was still ejaculating when Owen came back to his senses. Tossing the tissues into the wastebasket, he slammed the laptop shut.

  What had he done? He had just jerked off to the sight of another guy. He stood up and closed the windows with shaking hands, suddenly terrified that someone had seen or heard what he’d done. It would definitely have looked the wrong way to an outsider. Well, it looked the wrong way to him, too.

  Even in the aftershocks of his orgasm, little twinges went through him at the memories of the guy in the video. This had gone on too long for him to keep denying it to himself. That porn star turned him on. Owen couldn’t have said whether he was into guys or not. Maybe he was, and maybe he wasn’t. He had to admit he was into that one guy. He knew why, too. It was because he looked like his coworker.

  Cooper was tall, buff, handsome… He was sexy enough that anyone would want him, no matter which way they swung. Cooper’s sex appeal had caused this. Cooper was the one to blame. But it didn’t matter who was to blame, did it? The facts were all that mattered here.

  Owen slouched down in his chair as he finally admitted it to himself. With his dick still half-hard, he let out a long exhale.

  He was undeniably attracted to Cooper.


  Cooper surveyed the room around him. The guys strutting around the tables and dancing on the stages were his brothers, and he was proud of them for adjusting so well to the new rule here. They looked as content and at ease with nothing on as they had been in their jock straps and thongs. A few dollar bills stuck out of their new armbands.

  Things were just as slow as they’d been before. If anything, there seemed to be even less women in the club than there would be on a normal Friday night. It was still early, of course, but there were only three groups in the crowd. They could have gotten rid of half of these tables since they were never used.

  Despite the lack of an audience, the guys were making a valiant effort to perform. Elijah and Gabriel had each insinuated themselves into two of the groups, and they were chatting away as if they weren’t even naked. Lev was in front of a woman from the third group, his hands behind his head, shaking his dick so that it practically touched her lap. It reminded Cooper of the way he had thrust his junk at Owen, the poor guy.

  Thinking of Owen made Cooper want to seek him out, but he continued to look around the room for the others. One by one, he located Ace, Gabriel, and Jesse. They were dancing fully nude by the different walls. They looked good, in Cooper’s proud opinion.

  Lucas was on the stage, and Cooper gave him a thumbs up. He was still in a wifebeater and jeans at this point, and he stripped the undershirt over his head as Cooper watched. His dance moves were impeccable. Cooper couldn’t have improved on his stage act if he had wanted to.

  So, where was Owen? Cooper couldn’t remember seeing him at all tonight. Maybe he had stayed home. Had he been that averse to performing naked? Everyone else had gotten used to it pretty fast. And that afternoon, Owen hadn’t said anything about not feeling well.

  Cooper went to hook his thumbs through his underwear before realizing he had none on. He let his hands slide down his thighs instead. Smiling at everyone he saw, he paced around the room. He’d had that one strange thought about Owen, but he was sure that it was wrong. Owen had always said he was straight, and Cooper took people at their word.

  Owen’s sexuality was irrelevant, anyway. Cooper would be happy to help him out of the closet if he needed it, but that was all. He wouldn’t go for a coworker even if Owen miraculously went for him.

  If Owen wasn’t out here, maybe he was in the change room.
Cooper felt a responsibility to figure out where each of the strippers was at any given time. He headed out, smiling at the other guys as he passed them and nodding at the customers.

  He pushed open the change room door. The man inside jumped and turned around rapidly. Owen was in his briefs, and the expression on his face looked guilty as fuck. What had he been doing? Cooper frowned at him, taken aback at how fast he had just spun around.

  “Hey, bro. What’s up?”

  “Nothing,” Owen said a little too quickly. “What’s up with you?”

  “I just wanted to take a break,” Cooper said, glad he had come up with that excuse. “Have you been out there tonight? I don’t think I’ve seen you yet.”

  He came closer to Owen, noticing how the guy didn’t move a muscle away from where he was standing. He was a little too rigid. He had definitely been up to something. As Cooper got closer, the smell of vodka told him what had been going on.

  “Are you drinking?” Cooper asked.

  “No, of course not.”

  Cooper put his hand on Owen’s shoulder just firmly enough to push him away from the bench. Sure enough, a fifth was sitting there. It was the expensive stuff, which was natural enough considering that it was Owen. Why was he drinking, though?

  “Okay, you caught me,” Owen said, throwing up his hands. “I just wanted to take a shot. Ease my nerves a little. It’s weird being naked out there.”

  “No one else thinks so,” Cooper said, his voice slightly accusing. “You know you shouldn’t be drinking on the job. This is still a workplace, no matter what kind of clothes we might be wearing here.”

  “Could you stop with the holier-than-thou bullshit for a second, Cooper? You’re not even a boss here. We’re on the exact same level.”

  Although Cooper was hurt, he knew Owen was right. “Fine, don’t think of it as me worrying about the club. I’m worrying about you. You shouldn’t be drinking to handle stuff. If being naked bothers you that much, then tell Trenton. Maybe he can make some kind of exception for you.”

  “He wouldn’t do that.”

  “Well, hopefully it won’t be going on for too long, anyway. I’m pretty sure the girls don’t like it.”

  Owen’s eyes slid down his body, and he suddenly felt even more exposed than he already was. Why was the straight guy staring at him like that? Owen shouldn’t have been checking him out, yet he very clearly was.

  Blood flowed to Cooper’s twitching cock. He was suddenly terrified that he would get a boner right here and now. He could explain it as one of those random ones that every guy had from time to time, but he suspected Owen would know better. It would be pretty obvious given that the guy knew he was gay.

  He braced his legs, hoping that would direct the blood elsewhere. His face had to look bizarre right now, but after a moment, it worked. His boner went down, even if Owen was staring at him in confusion.

  “So, you’re not going to tell Trenton about this, or anything?” Owen asked.

  “No, of course not. Don’t get me wrong, it’s completely unprofessional to drink on the job. But you’ve always been a good stripper. I can see this is just a one-time thing. Don’t make a habit out of it.”

  “I won’t, man.”

  Owen still seemed to be even more on edge than usual. However much alcohol he’d drank hadn’t had much of an effect on him. He wasn’t anywhere close to relaxed.

  “If it’ll make you feel better, I’ll take a shot with you,” Cooper said. He immediately regretted it. He shouldn’t do things like that, even in unusual circumstances. But he wanted to bond with Owen, and he got few chances to do it.


  Cooper grabbed the bottle. “Yeah, really.” Being this close to Owen made him tingle a little. He wondered if being so close to one of the other guys would have done the same, or if it was just Owen. There was definitely something about the guy that turned him on, something more than his good looks. Every guy in this place was attractive, but the others weren’t sexual to Cooper.

  He drank straight from the bottle, taking a few swallows before putting it down and wiping his mouth. Even though the expensive liquor was smoother than what he normally drank, it was still harsh enough to make him want to gasp. But he refused to show Owen any weakness. He pinched his lips together and shook his head, waiting out the burn until it went away.

  “Do you feel better now?” Cooper asked.

  “Now that you’ve drank half my bottle? No, not particularly.”

  Cooper laughed. “Do you mind for real?”

  “No, man. Help yourself.”

  “So you’re all right? You’re going to go perform like normal?”

  “I guess so.”

  Cooper stepped closer, curious. “Why is this change bothering you so much? You’re the only one who’s having a problem with it.”

  Owen’s voice shook a little as he responded. “I told you ten times, I don’t like dick. I don’t want to see dick. And I don’t want gay guys looking at my dick.”

  “That’s not all. The other straight guy who used to be here was cool with all of this. You’re not. At least, you haven’t been lately.” Cooper stared at Owen, not caring how intense the look had to be coming across. Maybe the vodka was giving him liquid confidence, but he was done with bullshitting around. He was just about ready to call Owen out on what he had guessed.

  “What exactly do you think?” Owen asked.

  The way his voice cracked, it was as if he wanted to know for himself. As if he was asking because he couldn’t quite figure it out either. It was enough for Cooper to be honest with him.

  He glanced over at the door, making sure no one else would disturb their privacy. His voice was low as he spoke. “Are you having an okay time?”

  “Of course.”

  “You’re not struggling with anything?”

  “No. I mean, like what?”

  His voice went even lower, almost to a whisper. “You’ve been telling us how straight you are a lot recently. It’s not one of those things where, you know…”

  Owen took a step back, his face suddenly panicked. “You’re not saying that I’m struggling with my sexuality, are you?”

  “Well… not exactly.”

  “I expected that kind of thing from the other guys, Cooper, but not from you. You know that I’m straight. They’re immature enough that they can’t seem to get it, but I thought you did. It’s not going to change. I’m not into dudes.”

  “I didn’t say that you were.”

  “But you implied it. Didn’t you? You can’t tell me you were going to say something else. You’re working your way up to saying that I’m secretly gay. Well, I’m not. I would have told you guys if I was. Why on earth would I want to keep it a secret in this kind of environment?”

  Cooper nodded, not even slightly assured. “Well, you might keep it a secret if you didn’t know yourself. Or if you weren’t sure.”

  “What, you think I’m turning gay by being here? I’m straight, always have been straight, and I’m always going to be straight.”

  His voice was a little too defensive, and Cooper only felt more confident in his guess. He didn’t even need to take another swig of vodka in order to press the issue. “You don’t have to be sure about it in order to tell other people,” he said. “If you were questioning, you could tell any of us. We’ve all been through the same thing. Some of us go through it earlier than others, but any of us would understand.”

  “I’m not going through anything!”

  “I think you might be,” Cooper said, letting his eyes glide up and down Owen’s body. He didn’t miss the way that Owen responded. A real straight guy might have cringed or looked away in disgust. Owen just shivered under his gaze as if he was afraid of what the look might bring.

  “I’m not,” he said, sounding less and less confident.

  Cooper stepped toward him again, close enough that he could feel Owen’s heat even before he laid a hand on his shoulder. He had meant it as a comforting
gesture, but the tingles that rose in him made him regret doing it. He had intended to take his hand away immediately, but now that it was there, he couldn’t quite get himself to remove it.

  “You are,” he said softly. “It’s okay. You can trust me. You can admit that you are.”

  Owen looked at his hand and stayed quiet for a long moment. Cooper could feel his body tensing, and he braced himself in case Owen was getting ready to slap him. He had been more insistent than he probably should have been.

  What was in Owen’s mind was a mystery. Maybe the guy honestly was straight. Even though all the signs were pointing toward him questioning, Cooper didn’t know for sure, and forcing an admission could possibly lead to having the opposite effect of what he wanted. Above everything, he just wanted Owen to feel good and to be a good stripper.

  But when Owen’s tension released, it wasn’t in the form of violence. Instead, he almost crumpled and fell against Cooper’s shoulder. Cooper had never held another man quite like this, not even his ex. He patted Owen lightly, inhaling his musky scent, not knowing what to say.

  “I am,” Owen admitted. “I’m questioning.”


  Once the words were out, Owen would have liked to stay resting against Cooper’s chest. As good as it felt to lie his face against that brawny muscle, it was too awkward to stay there for long. Not only had he just confessed something previously unthinkable, they were also still in the change room.

  He pulled away, reluctant to look into Cooper’s eyes. “I should get out there,” he said.

  Cooper looked almost as shocked as he felt. “Okay, bro. I’m here for you if you need to talk.”

  Owen just grunted a reply. He didn’t bother to shed his briefs before going back out into the main room. He would deal with whatever Trenton might think.

  He wore a weak smile as he got back out there. Luckily, there were still only a few groups of women, and all of them were already being entertained. Gabriel was on the stage, although not many people were paying attention to him. Owen stood by the wall and watched him for a second, wondering if he could ever want a man like Gabriel. The guy didn’t appeal to him in any meaningful way. Cooper, on the other hand, did.