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  But he was just helping him come to terms with his sexuality. He wasn’t going to be anyone’s experiment.

  Cooper stood up, going to get another glass of water from the fridge. When he sat down, his face felt less flushed. He hoped he looked normal. He tried to change the subject to something more neutral. “So, how’s Eileen?”

  Although Owen looked surprised by the sudden shift in the conversation, he also looked pleased for the chance to talk about his baby. “She’s great. I didn’t work on her today, but I drove her to the gym. She’s doing well with the new suspension.”

  “That’s great. Where do you learn all that stuff? I never got the chance. No one in my family was into cars like that.”

  “Mine wasn’t, either,” Owen said. “I took an auto shop class in high school, and I just kept going from there. I loved it as soon as I tried it. It was a chance to get my hands dirty, for once.”

  Cooper nodded. He was interested by what Owen was saying, but another fear overtook him. What if Owen had noticed that all the guys he’d been messaging were the same “type” as him? The one he had responded to was buff and conventionally attractive, like Owen. He had a shot from behind that showed he had similarly messy hair. Cooper had never made the connection until now, but now he feared that Owen might read into it.

  He tried to keep on the subject they were talking about. “Would you ever ride a motorcycle, like Elijah?”

  Owen laughed. “Not unless I had a death wish, man. That guy is crazy.”


  They chatted a little about the other guys at the club. They had similar opinions and most of them, although Cooper was more generous. He wouldn’t state that he disliked any of them, even holding back his thoughts on Elijah, while Owen was more opinionated.

  Talking to Owen felt natural. Cooper could see them spending more time together. He was glad that Owen was coming to terms with his sexuality. He wondered if he’d been helpful enough. Owen seemed to be out of questions for the moment.

  When Cooper checked the time, he couldn’t believe it was already seven-thirty. “Do you need to head back to your place?”


  Owen stood up, his glass in hand. He moved toward the dishwasher. Before he put it inside, he brushed Cooper on the shoulder.

  Why had Owen just done that? Did the touch mean something? Cooper wanted to think it did. He could still feel Owen’s fingers on him seconds after the brush had ended. It was hard not to imagine how they would feel on other places.

  But he had made it clear that they weren’t going to hook up. Even if he was extremely interested, Owen knew it wasn’t going to happen. It must have just been a friendly touch. So why couldn’t he remember Owen ever touching him like that before?

  He wasn’t going to read into it. Wouldn’t let himself. He felt the need to move, and told himself to get up and wash his cup too. But as he started to get out of his chair, he became aware of his erection. It was almost at its full length, and it would be extremely obvious if he got out of his chair.

  How did Owen have such an effect on him? He stared at the guy’s butt as he bent over, painfully conscious of what he looked like without his clothes. This was getting hard. He kind of wished Owen would leave. Cooper could have used some time to get himself off before going to work. He was going to have blue balls for the rest of the night at the rate he was going.

  His erection was here to stay. It didn’t even falter when he squeezed his thighs like before. Whatever attention he paid to it only made it stronger. It was nearly pulsing now, throbbing between his legs. Owen turned, and their eyes met. Owen had to know what he’d just been looking at.

  “Are you going to go, then?” Cooper asked.

  He fidgeted, ill at ease as he waited for Owen to respond. His normal calmness was gone. It felt like Owen could tell what was going on between his legs and in his mind. He moved his chair forward, making sure the counter covered his lap. But if Owen came to the side, he would see Cooper’s hard-on as soon as he glanced down.

  Owen stared into his eyes. “I’ll go… if you want me to.”

  He sounded like he wanted to stay. Or was that just wishful thinking on Cooper’s part? It would be better for both of them if Owen left now. But with the way his body was tingling, he couldn’t say he wanted Owen to go.

  Cooper reminded himself that Owen had never done anything with a guy. He would probably suck in bed if they were to do anything. Cooper wasn’t into virgins, even gay virgins. If he was ever to break his rule about shitting where he ate, it would be with a more experienced guy.

  His resolution faltered as Owen came toward him. His throat went dry, and his cock grew harder. He told himself he would resist if Owen tried anything. But even as he said the words in his mind, he knew they weren’t quite true. He would do his best, but could he honestly resist a man like that? Inexperienced or not, he was powerfully arousing.

  “Should I go?” Owen asked softly.

  Cooper was a man with urges like any other. He needed physical closeness as much as anyone else, no matter what role he played in his workplace. And it had been a long time since he’d been with a man.

  Owen reached out for him and brushed his hand against his shoulder. The touch was hesitant, questioning, but it was without pretext this time. This could be nothing but the club’s resident straight guy making a move on him.

  Shivering, Cooper willed himself to stay strong. There were so many reasons that this was a terrible idea. He was supposed to be helping Owen, not seducing him. But Owen was the one doing the seducing…

  “We should, uh… You should…”

  Cooper’s throat was too dry to finish suggesting that Owen go back to his place. His willpower was fading. Owen caressed his shoulder with a little more confidence, his fingers sending heat all through Cooper’s body. Why did knowing he wasn’t supposed to be doing this make him even harder?

  “We don’t have to go anywhere,” Owen said softly. “What if we stayed right here?”

  Cooper swallowed hard. “Do you know what you’re asking for?”

  “I don’t know anything anymore. I only know I want you.”

  The words were all too enticing. As Cooper’s eyes glided over Owen’s body, he knew his last defenses had been overcome. He was fucked.

  “We’re not going to have sex,” Cooper said.

  “We don’t have to.”

  “I just want…” He trailed off, unsure of what he wanted.

  “Do whatever you like,” Owen whispered.

  The impulse was too powerful. Cooper could do no more to fight it.

  Rising out of his chair, he pushed Owen up against the wall.


  Breathless from the impact, Owen somehow still managed to gasp when Cooper’s hand made contact with his waist. His fingers quickly slid to their destination, forcing their way under his pants and into his underwear to find Owen’s cock.

  From the very first second, Owen could feel the difference from anyone else who had touched it before. Cooper’s hand was rough, more like Owen’s than like a girl’s. If he’d had any lingering thoughts about being straight, the way he swelled and lengthened under Cooper’s expert fingers put them to rest. This could no longer be explained away as a straight man’s experiment.

  He was done denying himself. This felt like what he had been waiting his whole life for. Even from those first few seconds, something felt right about this. Something that hadn’t been present with any of his ex-girlfriends.

  Cooper’s mouth covered his, taking his lips with an urgency Owen could hardly fathom. He had dreamed about this, but nothing could have prepared him for the reality of Cooper’s lips possessing his. Never before had he had to turn his head upward for an embrace.

  But he couldn’t even compare this to any other make-out session he’d had before. This was nothing like kissing a girl. Owen was the one being kissed. Claimed. Taken.

  Could this be the same gentle, caring Cooper that Owe
n knew? As if a switch had flipped, Cooper had changed into another person in a matter of seconds. Whoever he was, Owen wanted him. Kissing him back hungrily, he reached out to grope at Cooper. In response, Cooper slammed his hand back against the wall.

  His palms touched the plaster, looking for purchase on the smooth surface. There was none. The wall couldn’t support him anymore than it was now. His legs were useless, his knees too weak to keep him standing. He felt like collapsing to the ground. There was barely room in his boxers for Cooper to move his hand. His cock was swollen to an almost painful size. He thrashed around, the back of his head hitting the wall.

  “I’m so sorry,” Cooper said, instantly pulling his hand out of Owen’s pants to cup the injured spot. “I got carried away. I should stop. I – ”

  There was the guy Owen knew. Instead of taking care of others, Cooper had let his own wants take over for once. Owen loved his unexpected aggressiveness. He wanted to know every side of Cooper, not just the ones he usually shared. Cooper appealed to him more and more. He wanted all of Cooper, and he wanted him now.

  “I don’t want you to stop,” Owen breathed.

  Cooper gave him a searching look. For a moment, Owen thought he would stop anyway. Even when he spoke, he was still hesitant enough that Owen was unsure until the end.

  “Then… get in my room.”

  He pushed Owen toward the door, and Owen went with it reflexively. He barely took in his surroundings, the bed draped with soft blankets and the curtains shading the windows. He just fell back onto the mattress and allowed Cooper to do what he wanted to him.

  Had he ever been so turned on in his life? Even the porn he’d watched hadn’t done this to him. Even the video of the guy who looked like Cooper hadn’t come close. All the fantasies that had gone through his head over the past few days were only a pale shadow of being with Cooper in the flesh.

  “If you want to stop at any point, we can stop,” Cooper said. “I don’t want to do anything you’re not okay with.”

  “And what if I don’t want to stop?”

  “If you don’t want to stop?” Cooper’s eyes glittered. “I’m going to do exactly what I want to you.”

  Heart pounding, Owen nodded. Could he even get any harder? It was as if he kept reaching new heights of arousal with each day that passed. He could reflect on why it was happening later. Right now, he could barely hold onto his thoughts for a few seconds before losing himself in Cooper’s rough touch.

  The guy’s hands were all over him, his lips on his neck and his thigh anchored between Owen’s. Owen bit his lip as he ground instinctively against Cooper. This wasn’t the same as having Cooper jerk him off, but with all the other things he was doing to him, it was more than enough.

  He reached out blindly, his fingers encountering the hard planes of Cooper’s body again. How was it possible that this turned him on even more? This might only happen once, so he tried to feel as much of Cooper as he could.

  “Enough,” Cooper said, pushing his hands away. “This is about you.”

  Owen could only lie back as Cooper pushed him down and undid his belt. Cooper was definitely the top at this point. His cock sprang free, rigid and already leaking with his desire. He trembled as Cooper put his hand on it again. Never in his life had he trembled with a woman.

  He could hardly believe his fantasy was coming true. Cooper had been firm about how this wasn’t going to happen. Yet here they were, Cooper’s hand on the most intimate part of him.

  Owen struggled to breathe, his brain lacking in oxygen. His head pushed back into the mattress, and his hips arched into the air. This was more than he had ever dreamed of when he’d made that awkward proposition to Cooper. He had never thought that just being touched by someone would have an effect like this.

  “That feels so fucking good.”

  His whole body felt tight, tense. He looked at Cooper, and had to fight the urge to come right away. The guy could have done that to him. He was just so turned on. Every move Cooper made was sending sparks of ecstasy through him.

  He couldn’t even look at Cooper anymore – it was too much. He threw his arms over his eyes, shielding himself. A second after the blindness overtook Owen, warmth engulfed the tip of his cock.

  “Oh God, yeah, suck me,” he groaned.

  Grabbing Cooper by the head, he thrust shallowly into the guy’s mouth. Cooper made a soft noise. A few days ago, Owen would have thought he’d be turned off by any hint of masculinity during a blow job. But the sound of Cooper’s groan only made Owen thrust harder. In the heat of the moment, he loved knowing that he was turning Cooper on. His whole body shook. He drove into his mouth, delving a little deeper with each thrust.

  Cooper’s hands gripped his hips, holding him down so that he couldn’t thrust too hard. Owen liked being restrained. No girl had ever attempted to dominate him. He thrust up, almost fighting Cooper. He wanted to flip him over and fuck him in the mouth. He wanted to fuck him with all the years of pent-up sexual frustration that he had been holding onto. If he’d known this was what he’d been missing, he would have done it so much sooner.

  His thrusts only got harder as he looked down at Cooper. The guy met his eyes. He felt like a shared understanding passed between them in the moment when those brown eyes looked up at him. They were turned on by each other, and they were both lost in what they were doing.

  Owen knotted his fingers through Cooper’s hair, pulling him down to take his cock deeper. Owen felt Cooper’s hand cupping his balls. He couldn’t take this for much longer. As much as he wanted to draw it out, it was just too much for him to handle.

  He barely choked out a warning to Cooper. “I’m… going… to come!” The tension in him released, and he thrust still harder into his coworker’s mouth. His final thrusts were nearly violent.

  Cooper lifted his head to swallow everything Owen gave him, then went back to suck him some more. He stayed down there for a long few minutes, until the sensation was too much and Owen had to push him away. He closed his eyes and shuddered again, wordless.

  That hadn’t even been a blow job. Those were something calm and restrained… a “job.” This, on the other hand? This was more like Owen’s entire world being shattered, rearranged, and put back together. It was on a whole other level from any sexual act he’d experienced before.

  Owen pressed his limp hands to his forehead, then ran them through his hair. The carefully messiness was gone. Even without seeing it, he could tell the level of dishevelment made his recent acts unmistakable. Combing it with his fingers did nothing to fix it.

  At last Owen opened his eyes and looked at the man who had just given him such pleasure.

  Cooper was moving away from him. His expression was difficult to interpret. His eyes rested on Owen’s groin, and his lips twisted in a way that could only be negative.

  As Owen tried to decode what could possibly be going on in his head, Cooper stood up.

  “I hope you enjoyed your experiment,” he said, and strode out of the room.


  Cooper nodded to Austin as he opened the door of the club for him. The bouncer was a cool guy despite his intimidating appearance, and Cooper felt the need to be friendly even if he wasn’t in a chatty mood at the moment. “Sup, man?”

  “Check out the upgrades inside. It’s wild.”

  Although he didn’t know what Austin meant, he went on inside. He barely glanced around as he walked through the door. He even forgot to say hello to Wright, the bartender. The image of Owen in his bed was all he could see. Vaguely, he wondered if Owen had gone back to his place to get his stuff. He had just run out on the guy. He couldn’t stomach being around him for another second.

  Cooper should have stayed and talked to Owen. He’d just been overwhelmed. He liked the guy a little too much. He cared about him… too much to be his experiment. And the things they’d done had brought up unexpected feelings for him.

  This could only go the wrong way. Nothing good would come from scre
wing around with a straight guy who had no clue what he wanted. Cooper deserved better than to be anyone’s experiment. Cooper had better things to do than wait around to find out whether or not Owen liked guys for real.

  He could be Owen’s friend, but with the lust that he felt for the guy, it was too dangerous to be anything more. He looked around, dreading the time when Owen would enter the door. He could happily have gone without seeing him tonight. Again, he reminded himself that this was why he didn’t fuck around with coworkers. If he had just kept his own vow, things would have been fine.

  Owen had simply been impossible to resist, coming at him with his luscious lips and buff body. Cooper was only human, and there was only so much he could take. He simply wasn’t strong enough to keep saying no.

  Even now, he felt no twinges of regret for what they had done. He could still taste Owen on his lips, still feel him on his tongue. He wanted more from Owen. But he wouldn’t allow it to happen. He couldn’t.

  Cooper glanced around, noticing that things were different from usual. There were men in safety vests and hard hats milling around. As he walked further into the main room, he saw the air was filled with dust and grit. He frowned. What was all this? It seemed to be localized at the front right and left of the room, just across the stage on either side.

  Now he remembered the idea Trenton had told him about. Could these platforms be side stages? They were raised slightly off the ground. While they were only a few feet long, they might have been considered as stages.

  Cooper went up to the construction workers on one side. “What’s going on here?”

  “Just finishing up. We’ll be cleaned up and out of your hair by nine-thirty, don’t worry.”

  Cooper looked around for Trenton. It only took a moment to find the owner standing by the wall, his arms crossed as he overlooked the construction. “So you went ahead with this,” Cooper said.

  “Nothing gets by you, huh?” Trenton said.

  Ignoring the owner’s sarcasm, Cooper glanced around. He could see how the stages would appeal to the women in the audience. The customers would enjoy watching three guys strip at once instead of one at a time. The customer experience would definitely improve. Cooper just didn’t know about the financial aspect of it.